Spiced Corned Egg / Iron Egg (original chicken egg)
Egg products are made from fresh eggs and famous black-bean soy sauce manufactured in Taiwan. Unbeatable taste. (175g 7 chicken eggs/pack)
Our products have three main functions: First, because the product is vacuum-packed and sterilized at high temperature , you can store it at room temperature for a long time, which means you can buy many products without having to go to the market with many people to snap up these food.
Second, it is rich in protein, so you don't have to worry about whether it is nutritious or not.
Last , it is convenient when we eat , you just need to open the package and eat immediately. You can eat it with instant or rice or even beer and bread.
Anghi fragrant iron eggs use high-quality eggs. We also use famous hand-made premium black bean soy sauce and various traditional Chinese herbal mixes and spices. Twelve hours of marinating help ensure both flavor and taste are consistent both inside and outside.
Expiration Date: Six Months Characteristic: Made with Chicken Eggs, Suitable for Cold and Dressed with Sauce and Porridge
Anghi’s Philosophy For more than 30 years, Anghi has followed time-honored practices to produce traditional Taiwan snacks, never adding any preservatives or artificial MSG. We do this to provide our consumers with the best and the most natural food. Our insistence on pure fermented black soy sauce ensures that our products are sweeter and more delicious. We believe that our brand is the promise to our client, so we strive to take traditional favorites, such as iron eggs, dried tofu, and braised foods to the next level and recreate their exquisite taste.
※ The price doesn’t include the shipping fee. The shipping costs are calculated according to the delivery location area.
※ If you have any questions about the product, you can message or send E-mail to us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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